Apostasy, Apotheosis, Metamorphosis
Christ Yeshua is only a CUNT to all the pieces of shit out there that follow certain preachers, that think they are better than, that dismiss him because Christianity has given him a bad name... In-fact, Christ Yeshua, as a meme or historical figure, is METAL AF and superkewl.
Apostasy in Christianity is the rejection of Christianity by someone who formerly was a Christian. The term apostasy comes from the Greek word apostasia ("ἀποστασία") meaning "defection", "departure", "revolt" or "rebellion". It has been described as "a willful falling away from, or rebellion against, Christianity.
Apotheosis (Greek: ἀποθέωσις, from ἀποθεόω/ἀποθεῶ, ''to deify''; also called divinization and deification from Latin: deificatio, lit. ''making divine'') is the glorification of a subject to divine level and most commonly, the treatment of a human like a god. The term has meanings in theology, where it refers to a belief, and in art, where it refers to a genre.
In theology, apotheosis refers to the idea that an individual has been raised to godlike stature. In art, the term refers to the treatment of any subject (a figure, group, locale, motif, convention or melody) in a particularly grand or exalted manner.
The problems of inner consciousness, however, such as the questions of life and death, the ultimate destiny of the world and humanity, made more complicated and involved by the latest researches and discoveries in the fields of psychology and physiology these as before remained unsolved. Only one important, though negative, result made itself apparent. This was the final bankruptcy of the materialistic theory. The notion of the universe as a system of dancing atoms, and of life as the result of mechanical accumulation of the slightest changes in material no longer satisfied a single reasoning intellect.
Humanity had outgrown that stage of philosophical infancy. On the other hand, it became equally evident that it had also outgrown the infantile capacity for naive, unconscious faith. Such ideas as God creating the universe out of nothing were no longer taught even in elementary schools. A certain high level of ideas concerning such subjects had been evolved, and no dogmatism could risk a descent below it. And though the majority of thinking people had remained faithless, the few believers, of necessity, had become thinking, thus fulfilling the commandment of the Apostle: "Be infants in your hearts, but not in your reason."
What Christianity has become
I actually do not care about gays, it is the background that is useless.You can NEVER fall away from truth, the way.
What your cognitive dissonance / ego needs to struggle with is YOUR DIRECT EXPERIENCE vs THE BULLSHIT YOU'VE BEEN FED.
Historically speaking, reformation has been a constant.
As long as corrupt motherfuckers can sucker stupid motherfuckers this will be.
As long as heretics and outliers have a voice, this will be.
And it is appropriate - checks and balances were ALWAYS in place as THE TRINITY.
Did you know that a caterpillar turns to goo before it becomes a butterfly
Is that not enough to leave you in ABSOLUTE AWE OF GOD'S CREATION???
Don't get me started on the convoluted symbiot/parasite relationships out there.
Yeah, nevermind virus stuff, CREATION evolved some crazy shit. That's why I'm all IF I DIE FROM A VIRUS, MORE POWER TO IT. As it is I do my best to bolster my immune system - fuck the useless mask
So you see ... there is the narrative. And there is the truth.
It is a big world and you have options:
whatever gets you through the day.
Reality, Truth is that all other critters on this planet do not struggle with an imposed set of bullshit, unless you count pollution, deforestation, and other man-made fuckery...
They don't have a choice. But memetically speaking you get to choose.
Denying CHRISTIANITY in it's modernity, is NOT rejecting Christ.
The one constant here is CHRIST is more of an ADVERSARY than SATAN ever was.
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