Polygenics, Pais, Blackhole Bombs and Patents



 I stopped giving a shit about intellectual property rights a long time ago when I learned about


 All of my non EDISON NATION IP would be given a secrecy order if I could prototype AND patent them - y’know, the prophesied miracles of The Antichrist, The Reincarnation of Tesla. Conserving novelty does not fall upon my shoulders alone, I accept that Polygenics is a thing, 100th Monkey Effect, Morphogenic fields, Akashic Record, Nothing New Under Sun - I get it. Still, I also believe creators of original things deserve credit, if not wealth and fame. So I get a bit annoyed when one of my idols, Nassim Haramein, steals my shit:



 Here is my invention which predates his 


 MAGNETOSONOPLASMADYNAMIC is a mouthful, I know, but this is how things work. What his patent does not state is that this is also known as a



 UFOs QUANTUM PHASE SHIFT or Slowly Explode from 3D to 4D What is funny about this is, two of my gangstalker perps have INDEPENDENTLY made a point to show me this, and other ideas similar to mine, I assume in an attempt to steal my thunder or take the wind out of my sails. But ultimately


 So now we got this guy SALVATORE PAIS



And once again my perpy shitlords and various articles make a point to throw this in my face... Even David Wilcock is like, “His name translates to Savior of blah blah blah...”

 I was under the impression the USPTO needed working prototypes for such outrageous claims, guess it’s either misinformation as the wiki piece suggests, fuckery, or Haramein and Pais found a way around it. I mean, if the shit worked why don’t we hear about it on the news? Of course we all know about 


 And The Black Sun Cult... Vril Maidens... 


All I know for sure is that when the time comes for me to perform miracles, there will be a mad scramble at the USPTO to demonstrate how un-novel my stuff actually is and a totally unexpected form of Disclosure that will have nothing to do with Greer, Pais, Haramein or any other Deap Stayt controlled Assssits. The Nazis need psychic hotness to channel, Haramein and Pais stole my shit, but you know how I came up with this FREE ENERGY, FIELD PROPULSION, QUANTUM AI stuff? DRUGS. Lots of drugs - pot n shrooms. Oh, and books. Lots of obscure, occult books. The Biomimicry thing made sense and I extended the idea to other natural stuff. Mainstream, Public Consumption fizzix is a joke, another distraction. Big Bang LMAO, Molten Iron Earth Core


 I can rest assured that none of their IP will get traction, at least not virality, simply because they are tools and not me. The Antichrist is sposeta deliver the goods, THAT has memetic efficacy. There are lotsa ways to get AG, FE n AI, my goal is to find THE BEST ways, THE MOST ROBUST & SIMPLE. Is there a part of me that feels useless? Yes. Good. Fuck you, Fuck this world. Let Satan and the Pope and Black Budget motherfuckers keep you in 1920, why should I care? If I’m not in it for fame and fortune (YOU kinda need those two things to be impactful) then what? I will have to tell you some time about my pre Tesla incarnations: NINURTA AND AKKAENESET were REALLY BAD. Like, I started all this black budget shit, I must end it... 



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