How many Gangstalkers does it take to screw in a light bulb? Zero. They use gaslight.

What is a Gangstalker’s favorite color? PERPle. 

What’s the last thing Jesus said to Judas Iscariot? Hang around, I’ll be right back. 

I cannot recount the endless amount of fuckery I have endured. Everyone in Ovid is a CBA or Perp by now. Cops, Christians, Family, Friends ... The take away here is that there is a Quantum AI running the whole planet. On the surface what the TI endures is torture, but I don't see it that way anymore.

Luke 9:22 "The Son of Man must suffer many things..."


 A TI walks into a bar and is warmly greeted by all his Perps, everyone knows what is going on but the TI, instead of being annoyed or paranoid pretends the regulars are actually his friends. They buy him beer and give him gift cards. All is well. One Perp says, “Mat, John Champion is going around town calling you a pedophile...” A day later another Perp asks me to beat up John Champion, the lowest rung, the low-hanging fruit. Poor drunkard, he is homeless and just wants to be a part of something, to have someone below himself, I get it. The TI gets home, there are things on the floor that were not there when he left. A parade of White SUVs go by. The TI is used to this. He no longer cares about privacy, he no longer cares about property, he no longer cares about anger or revenge. The TI accepts his fate. He becomes stoic and mindful. The TI goes to bed and the hot needles go into his toes. 


He goes to work and his back itches and burns, he gets nap attacks, they open his mail. They try to get him to leave his home, to own a phone, to be ashamed of his porn habit, to kill himself. They try to show him his inventions are not original. They try to get him to fuck a married woman and diddle her children. They repeat private thoughts. His Youtube recommends too, reflect events that an AI could not know unless...The Junior Spies take his picture with their smart phones, yeah, I saw that, Lucian, Lily, James... 

The TI does some research. He is not alone. It is not about him. The TI is harassed at work, at the store which no longer stocks his favorite products. And the Perps alternate grins and sneers. The TI withdraws more and more. Instead of becoming suicidal or insane the TI feels grateful, validated, and compassionate towards the “friends” and “family” that have become Satan’s Little Helpers.


 The TI meets a woman, she is beautiful. She is a Honeypot, she tries to buy him a phone, she flatters him, prematurely confesses love. She sends nudes. After the lovebomb comes the fuckery. The TI knows all this is scripted but plays along. Months later John Champion is found dead. The rumor is that he was so wasted that he fell, knocked himself out, and drowned in his vomit. The TI notices that all his Perps have extraordinarily bad luck: injuries, accidents, poor health, depression... Yet he becomes stronger and smarter everyday. LOL. The irony of course is that I ALREADY, OF MY OWN CHOICE, became a pariah, what with the bomb scare, claiming to be the Antichrist, chatting up underage girls... I am just glad people are getting paid. 


This will end with the prophesied earthquake. Revelation 16:18 Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since mankind has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake. To me, being a TI is the greatest honor, it is an initiation, a test. It is a reasonable way of negating bad karma. Thanks Everybody, for teaching me how to be more Jesusy! 




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