Beta Cuck to Sigma Monk
Why is Rey grinning? Because she was just schooled by Luke, a man who has probably not orgasmed since he had that scene with Susan Dey on The Partridge Family.
A truly divine chick does not want or need a man to kiss her ass, to compliment her, do her bidding...That’s what THOTs and Domineering Jezebel Toxic Twatwaffles want. A Divine Chick wants to be fulfilled, balanced, put in her place, to serve and to receive expert oral from a dude who is worthy. So Rey is like, impressed by SIGMA LUKE and gets wet thinking how Ben is just a little bit dangerous as Ren.
When I think of MGTOW I think of Mr. Skywalker, he was so over pussy he went to the other side of the galaxy. ...You’re not truly a man until you’ve been the cuckee and the cucker. I have. I was the Beta Orbiter Simp Nice Guy
and then The Kira Sue enlightened me
You cycle through the RED PILL RAGE, and then you accept that the vagina-keepers are incapable of love, that they are hypergamous and basically upright hairless kitty cats. You are grateful for the Pornverse at your 2020 fingertips, and then you realize they still have you, in 2D. Fuck. You look at the other men who have wives and gfs, who are PUA and Alpha AF and you wonder what you’re doing wrong. Oh, that’s right, I’m CARING!!! Fuck That. Then one day you come across MGTOW and NOFAP and SIGMA
There ARE options. Quitting 3D bitches is easy enough, but the PMO, not so much. Semen retention or continence as Ghandi put it, is an ancient practice of renunciates, of perfecti, of monks. You start to see results in only a week, not just relentless morningwood, but the superpowers. You can’t believe there are still guys out there actually giving $$$ to bitches on the internet or IRL. You’re horny, sooooo horny but you must be master of your domain, and that feeling eventually surpasses the horny. You just gotta stay busy, redirect it. I did a 90 day streak once, some intermittent edging… Most streaks end in a gooey mess
but it only helps to motivate again. Even if you can only muster 3 week streaks, it is still better than tossing 3 times a day. Mmk. But being a Sigma Monk is more than NOFAP, you gotta eat proper, take proper supplements, exercise, adopt proper attitude (see STOICISM). You have to NOT GIVE A FUCK. Eventually you own your frame and can then proceed to actually fucking with reality. Alphas WISH they were Sigmas. Bitches WISH they could drown in your cum. THAT’S RIGHT. Let them wallow in their mammalian nonsense, you’re now an interference pattern in God’s Brain. Jedi? Sith? No, The Force is neither because it is BOTH.
You HAVE TO integrate your DARK SIDE, m’ninja.
There is a part of you that wants to go all VIKING but you can’t because… But you can do like me; FANTASIZE, write some NASTY shit, play FPSs, watch some questionable porn sometimes, HATE people that suck, IT’S OKAY!!! Wise as SERPENTS, Chill as DOVES nallat. What male inspires you? For me it is Bill Hicks and Nikola Tesla, Schauberger, Reich, Steiner… Burly mofos too, that vegan guy with muscles
But yeah, it is OK to love gals and pine for them but only if they are superkewl and receptive to your worshippy side, like Ms. Sinister here
The unicorn does not exist except for her
also a certain ginger goddess I shall not mention again but you can choose to be one yourself, m’monk. Stop being a wallet and punching bag for skanks, be a little bad / girly yourself...
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