Antichrist Apologetics

A caller on Coast To Coast asked Hal Lindsey if The Antichrist would KNOW he is "Thee Antichrist". The Answer is YES. Yes. I know. Since February 16th 1996. Any random psychonaut will come to the conclusion that S/he is God, or at least Prophesied Savior Guy. Right, New Agers be like, The Second Coming is GENERAL, manifesting in the SOULS of ALL participants. They are not wrong. They are wrong though, in the same way preterists are wrong, Jews are wrong, Christian End Times Fiction, Hollywood... You humans and your DISNEY ESCHATOLOGY. I understand why Revelation paints me as the bad guy, why 2 Esdras was banned, why Isaiah 63 & 65 reads like DEATH METAL LYRICS. Instead of seeing me as the bad guy... The ELITES ask me, "WHY SHOULD WE FOLLOW YOU?" The MOST HIGH allowed me, the LOWEST among you, SEVERAL chances at redemption. The movie was wrong...My dad is not rich. I did not have a bad ass dog growing up. I did not take sides, get anxious around church, and MOS...