
Showing posts from January, 2024

FIRE FROM HEAVEN - The Free Energy of The Antichrist - 9 Prophecies and Abstract / Rant

  See also: Antichrist / AI Super Computer tied to Transhumanism and Fourth Beast Rising The Lord showed me the transhumanism end of days fourth beast system with this dream many years ago. This was one of my first dreams going back to the Obama Presidency. I saw a prominent known leader that was respected by both Jews and Muslims and people around the world. This leader was presenting himself in front of an old Roman / Greek empire temple ruins. He was struck in the upper left shoulder by a long metal piece that later I think it was the spear of destiny. Just after this dream, I saw a spear of destiny show on the History Channel talking about the Sons of the Fallen waiting for the anti-Christ to shed his blood and take over the world.[i] Again, this happened while he was presenting in front of a Greek / Roman temple type place, at a podium. It reminded me o...

Effective Prima Freaking's Selfish Ledger VS Accelerated Data Exhaust's Invisible Hand

  AMERICAN OLIGARCHY Why the fuck should you, you useless eater, care what THEY are up to? If you don't like Ahriman's antics go live in a cave. Or better yet pray to Calgon Jesus to Rapture you right past the Chemtrails and Van Allen Belts. Planned BLACK SWANS be darned, I don't care HOW RIGGED it is, Capitalism is still subject to natural law - chaos, changing personal values, heck, the weather even. Disaster Capitalism. Surveillance Capitalism. The Entropy-Activated Economy's last gasps. You're jealous of the rich? You wanna live in a mansion and cruise the world in a Giga Yacht? Me too. I already have a name for my Yacht - LILIAN'S REVENGE - and oh yes, it'll have a theatre, a game room, a gym, a restaurant kitchen, a landing pad for my Antigravity VTOL, a bar, a lounge, and a crew of hottie redheads named Jasmine and Terri and Jill and Margaret. I'm tired of not having meals made for me, of not having a harem, of not having a billion toys and a moun...

The Never Cycle: Part 6 - Bifurcation Unknown

  31  “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne.   32  All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.   33  He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bubba Jon collapsed moments after Jim/Mathew popped on out. He had a heart attack. "Precorpse Fuck"  was accurate. "We knew Mat was a weirdo, but this is just..." Titus struggled for words as he gazed at BJ, dead on the ground, three feet away from the still twitching hand and the still idling chainsaw. "Off the charts fuckin weird." Connor finished the thought. The Program will tell CBAs the most intimate of secrets about a given TI, and so CBAs think they always have the upper hand. But neither of these two relatively in...