
Showing posts from December, 2021

Generative Satanic Network, Radio Controlled Opposition, Predictive Cusack

  Is THE ADVERSARY aka SATAN  "Controlled Opposition" ??? It would appear so since The Most High allows it. I have compared this relationship to a GAN Generative Adversarial Network: Where SATAN Generates FAKENESS / LIES Where GOD Generates REALNESS / TRUTH And You Discriminate  If you grew up watching cartoons in the 80's you may remember SAM and RALPH This is a perfect example of Controlled Opposition The joke here is that they are sworn enemies, but they both know they have a job to do as such and acknowledge it when they punch in. Some are saying ole' Donny is. DUH! Recently, the Cognitive Dissonance in the brains of people who are PRO-TRUMP yet ANTI-VAX has become palpable. It's about to get more fucked up as the phivejee and draconian polyticks ramp up.   If you want an idea of real conspiracy theory shit, if you wanna know what predictive programming is watch these  See this rant for more about UTOPIA

Occult Concepts in The Matrix: Resurrections

  EXOMORPHIC PARTICLE CODEX Last night I started watching this movie and stopped part way in to go to sleep. I had a dream where I saw a bag of magnets and metal being shaken to coalesce or self-assemble. When I awoke I contemplated this again and got thoughts about "Stochastic Beats". Sine wave frequencies, when overlapped produce beats or harmonics, but it occurred to me white noise could do the same. This got me thinking about Stochastic Electrodynamics and how this relates to the quantum foam. Order out of Chaos. Emergence. ( Fizzix and Occult Fizzix, when reconciled can lead to ... ) As soon as I got up I started the movie again and the scene with the guy above described, "Paramagnetic Oscillations" as the method of how this particle being forms. Then after the movie I watched this on youtube   Which got me thinking about VORTEX MATHEMATICS and For those with "eyes and ears" there are alot of Easter Eggs in the movie. The latest iteration of The Mat...


 We will start with 4 I made:   Uncle Clif just schooled me on Karma. Karma is plural for Karmans, which I interpret as units or currency of action or potential action. They can be likened to thoughtforms or memes. They are what necessitates a post-death LIFE REVIEW, the unzipped moccasins of all your cringe and genius. The common interpretation of transcarnate tit for tat DOES happen, like an eddy forming in a stream or a feedback loop but that is not the true nature or function. One of these feedback loops is the Narcissist – Empath Dynamic. This dynamic scales up to societal and cosmic proportions.    If you REALLY pay attention you will see this kind of mind control at play right now via MSM   Where the PTB are the Narc and the masses are the victim   Some triangulated apaths and aware empaths opt out of this cycle of sillyness and end up lonely but happier and with their diginity ... Other analog dynamics, what I call Duality Theatre:   ...