The Great Reset / Awakening & The New World Order / New Jerusalem

What is the difference? Perspective. One person’s Apocalypse is another’s Salvation. I am here to exalt The Most High. Maybe you are here to smoke crack, bang whores and serve as a poster child for all that is fucking retarded. I say Satan has done more to bring folks to Christ than Christ himself . Jesus said only God is good. Jesus said, suspiciously like a cult leader, if you are not willing to blow off your fam you are not worthy of him. He said he was here to bring a sword. Christ (consciousness) is how you get off the wheel of karma, how you exit the Matrix. Stoicism is how you endure. The NPCs / Lukewarm / Apaths just go along with, support the current thing, cuz they think that is the way to get on. The Sociopaths / Gangstalkers / Narcissists suck Satan’s cock because their chakra bias is the reverse of … The Chosen / TIs / EMPATHS exalt The Most High. God and Satan are THE SAME THING just running in opposite directions, and somehow The Holy Spirit manages the GAN / Progr...