Black Whole Pill of Joyful Joy

Rant #98 An extension of BETA CUCK TO SIGMA MONK rant. Stress Induced Growth applies to alot of Antifragile systems. If my psychoslut ex fiance had not driven me to absolute mental and emotional breakdown via Gangstalking Honeypot Protocol, if The Program hadn't gone to such lengths - from painfully redundant and predictable skits to ghost bees stinging my toes randomly - I would be an ignorant pussy bound to all kinds of pointless friendships and mediocre dreams of getting laid or being understood. The Kira Sue of Painful Pain SHE IS DIVINE I'm now free, and therefore happy in the most counter-intuitive way, like I-get-monks-now happy. Free in my isolation,in my hate,in infinite gratitude,in stoicism. You still entertain getting your dick wet. You still think there is such a thing as privacy; sure your convos become facebook ads, but MY THOUGHTS become ... You still think that science o...