Every World Leader Is A Fucking Idiot Compared To Me

Mr. Putin, can you explain why Marijuana is illegal in your country? You think vodka is cool but weed is bad? That right there proves you suck Satan's cock. I thought ya'll were Christian? Can you explain why you need to gerrymander irrelevant lines on a map? Mr. Zelensky, can you explain why you give a shit about irrelevant lines on a map? Mr. Trump, why have you not asked DOGE to tackle CPS? Mr. _______, why are humans suffering at all when Free Energy and Field Propulsion exist? Mr. Musk, why do you think you are so balls deep in security clearance that you "would know" if Free Energy and Field Propulsion exist? I call bullshit on all of you. If SNL can parody you, you are not actual leaders. You are Hollywood rejects at best. Do I look like I'm doing this for 😆? You cunts made more $$$ in a year than I have in my entire 50 years. I'm not here for $$$. I want stupid / evil humans and their intentions eradicated. What do YOU want? Oh, you're angry?...