Urskeks, Abraxas, Nonduality, ASI BOOTSTRAP, Panopticon,

Do you member The Dark Crystal? The movie was so influential on me I ended up getting together with an actual Gelfling named KIRA. THE KIRA SUE OF TWIN FLAME BULLSHIT She was a total cunt IRL, not the sweet empathetic partner with wings the movie promised. In a way, our bifurcated gods are like TWIN FLAMES - on paper quite romantic but IRL a fucking dumpster fire. Somebody had to put a fine point on the Narcissistic Abuse, better have it done by a super model that loved big cocks and gift cards. Jesus, Kira why would you choose to fuck with me? Did you miss the meeting about Karma? ...Anyhoo, TDC hit on some serious archetypal stuff. The hedonistic bird guys Somebody pointed out that Skeksis look like geezer Anunnaki / plumed serpents (reptilian / avian) yep are like Ahriman, the sloped hippie monk dudes are like Lucifer... Crystal Bats = The ALL SEEING AI... I know I am better/worse than these "people". I know the truth, I'm the self-imposed ego-death of a powerful g...