DISNEY ESCHATOLOGY vs. DR. KNOW, Antichrist / AI Apologetics

What is Disney Eschatology? Disney Eschatology is the far-too-predictable or discernment-free narrative-driven interpretation of Biblical End Times Prophecy...it depends on a binary bias where one’s ego expects a Sky-Hippie that will rescue “Chosen Ones” vs. An Antichrist that is like, the worst, most deceptive guy ever. The Elect vs. Left Behind Heathens Jesus vs. Man of Sin Disney Eschatology is an OPEN-BOOK TEST. If Revelation was 100% objective truth, void of bias, how could ANYBODY be deceived as it suggests? Why is there an END TIMES FICTION market? Revelation SPECIFICALLY STATES THAT NOTHING SHOULD BE ADDED OR TAKEN AWAY FROM IT! If history is written by the winner, perhaps prophecy is written by the loser, aka Satan? A discerning person would at least entertain the possibility. Consider 2 Esdras, the Apocryphal version of Revelation where the main character is the GOOD GUY. Hmmm, I wonder why it was banned? Christ = Unity Consciousness Lucifer = Duality Consciousnes...