One of the ways Christianity displays its COMPLETE LACK OF DISCERNMENT is with the incessant pointing of finger at would-be Antichrists. It gets worse when you factor in the ECHO CHAMBER of AC vids on YT, as if this shit has not been covered before. In this book There is, in the index, a list of FAILED IDENTIFICATIONS And on and on... This book was published in 1996, so you can add a dozen more - Macron, Trump, Erdogan, Obama, Gates, Prince ____, Musk ... The AC ARCHETYPE has been touched on unintentionally (?) many times with pretty much any mad-sciency villain character; which was introduced to pop culture via the first Superman cartoon: And the irony here is that the mad-scientist VILLAIN is based on Nikola Tesla - my previous incarnation ... ...see my PROOF rant... Since then the mad-scientist has evolved LOL ... What's funny is that ...