Naughty Girls
I just watched FLEABAG and to my astonishment I found myself laughing at and understanding SLUTTITUDE. This also Being a slut is the female version of the Coolidge Effect. Whereas males ogle and porn hunt out of sheer neophilia, women ho ho ho for the drama, new drama perhaps ? Bigger dick and fatter wallet roulette... Gigi just posted this And we learn that being a ho is the preferred state for the females. That's fine until a certain slut claims to be faithful and true but still has affairs; talking about this twatnozzle spunkbunker I have on several redhead - sorry, CINNAMON-AMERICAN - porn stars but I'm fine with them banging all kindsa meat Some dudes get triggered by sluttitude, other men get off on being cucked. Having been on both sides of betrayed pussy I can honestly say I don't care anymore. Men should regard her side D in the same way women should regard his porn collection. The...